
I am a genuine story teller - this story I am about to tell you - really happenend and left a profound and deep impression on me. So let me share the following with you:
In April 2010 I had an encounter in a lucid dream with a wonderful being of pure light. It was a rather tall being (approx 2.80 m tall) and the outer form of this being was similar to a human being. We communicated telepathically with each other through EMOTIONS and PICTURES. We became ONE. I could feel the extreme pure energy of love eminated by this being. My whole essence started to absorb this light and the loving energy. It felt like I was coming home and I was determined to stay which obviously did not happen - as this was not part 'of the deal' :) . I recall that this being was very persistent in reminding me that we (humans) are actually living light , pure light - just compressed in a human shape.
We are all spiritual BEINGS - always have been/are/will be.

This encounter left such a deep impression, that I felt compelled to start up a meditation platform in order to create a space where likeminded people from all around the world could come together as ONE.
Distance and linear time is not an issue at all - as we are connecting in our hearts.
What initially began as 'Project Earth Grid has evolved further and beyond. End of 2012 a lot of things fell naturally into place resulting into teaming up with Mathew Hart's facebook group 'A Vision of A Beautiful New World''

My dear friend Annie Tremblay suggested the "Fire the Grid" meditation and I found a relevant link here: ..

There is nothing else to do but to REMEMBER,
to BE and to SHINE.


zondag 10 maart 2013

The Universal Principle: “To Love Is To Be Happy With”

Dear Michelle,
thank you for allowing me to share your thoughts on my blog:

Over the years, I’ve shared this with other friends, and I’d like to share it with you, too. The parts of the word “aloha” mean “to love” and “to be with.” When Hawai’ians use it as a greeting, it means “hello, I love being with you (again).” When they use it in parting, it means, “farewell (or until we meet again), I loved having been with you (again).” It can be used in a platonic or romantic sense; it’s a greeting of love and compassion and, most especially, can also mean to be in the presence of the “divine breath” or “divinity,” acknowledging the “God within” the other person, in much the same way Buddhists use “Namasté” or Mayans use “In Lak’ech Ala K’in.” As you can see, with an alphabet of only 13 letters (including the apostrophe), each of the words in Hawai’ian must take on multiple meanings, depending on the context…nuances…lots of nuances.
But “Aloha” is so much more than a simple word—it is at the heart of one of the Seven Principles of Huna as explained by Serge King in this way:
“To Love is to Be Happy With
(Aloha—Love—Stop Criticizing)
To love is to be happy with.
Aloha is the word for love.
The root ‘alo’ means “to be with,
to share and experience, “here and now.”
The root ‘oha’ means “affection, joy.”
The root ‘alo’ also means “to be in the presence of.”
The root ‘ha’ means “breath, spirit, life force.”

please read further here:

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