
I am a genuine story teller - this story I am about to tell you - really happenend and left a profound and deep impression on me. So let me share the following with you:
In April 2010 I had an encounter in a lucid dream with a wonderful being of pure light. It was a rather tall being (approx 2.80 m tall) and the outer form of this being was similar to a human being. We communicated telepathically with each other through EMOTIONS and PICTURES. We became ONE. I could feel the extreme pure energy of love eminated by this being. My whole essence started to absorb this light and the loving energy. It felt like I was coming home and I was determined to stay which obviously did not happen - as this was not part 'of the deal' :) . I recall that this being was very persistent in reminding me that we (humans) are actually living light , pure light - just compressed in a human shape.
We are all spiritual BEINGS - always have been/are/will be.

This encounter left such a deep impression, that I felt compelled to start up a meditation platform in order to create a space where likeminded people from all around the world could come together as ONE.
Distance and linear time is not an issue at all - as we are connecting in our hearts.
What initially began as 'Project Earth Grid has evolved further and beyond. End of 2012 a lot of things fell naturally into place resulting into teaming up with Mathew Hart's facebook group 'A Vision of A Beautiful New World''

My dear friend Annie Tremblay suggested the "Fire the Grid" meditation and I found a relevant link here: ..

There is nothing else to do but to REMEMBER,
to BE and to SHINE.


zondag 3 februari 2013

The Sound of Sacred Geometry - Alexander Lauterwasser/ Bewußtsein in Resonanz - Zu Besuch bei Kymatikforscher Alexander Lauterwasser

Für den Film "Epos Dei - Die geheimnisvolle Ordnung hinter den Dingen" war das Drehteam von NuoViso zu Gast im Experimentierlabor von Alexander Lauterwasser. Der Kymatikforscher beobachtet mit seiner Videokamera die Bewegung von Wasseroberflächen unter Einwirkung von Schallwellen.

Seine Experimente begeistern nicht nur durch die Schönheit der Messergebnisse, sondern auch wegen ihrer Interpretierbarkeit. In Anknüpfung an die frühen Vorstellungen üer den Aufbau des Kosmos und der darin ablaufenden Evolution, knüpfen die Wasserklangbilder an ein Weltbild, in welchem der Ursprung der Wissenschaft - das Philosophieren - wieder erlaubt ist.

Evolution ist die sich ständig steigernde Resonanzfähigkeit eines lebendigen Organismus. So lautet das Fazit Lauterwassers.

Die DVD Epos Dei gibt es hier:
Chladnische Klangfiguren  -  Wasser-Klang-Bilder von Alexander Lauterwasser

and here a film in english about Alexander Lauterwasser 
(just double click on coloured line)